Queensland Coal Export Terminals Equipment
Construction of principal elements of several Bucket Wheel Travelling Stacker-Reclaimers and Ship Loaders for Abbot Point and Dalrymple Bay.
- Abbot Point Coal Ship Loader
- Abbot Point Stacker Reclaimer
- Dalrymple Bay Coal Reclaimer
- Assembly of Pylon to Slew Deck
- Vessel Aburri Bucket Wheel
Development of a fully automatic Travelling Bucket Wheel Reclaimer/Stacker for the bulk carrier, MV Aburri, built by NQEA (1994) for McArthur River Mining (Mt. Isa Mines project).
The purpose-built vessel, Aburri, is based in Bing Bong, NT. It transports high-grade bulk zinc, lead and silver concentrate to waiting ships at sea in the Gulf of Carpentaria.
Cape Flattery Silica Sand Equipment
Design and construction of the first Silica Sand Processing Stockpile, Wharf and Ship loading Facility at Cape Flattery. It was designed to be self-erecting without cranes.
Weipa Beneficiation Plant
Design and construction of the first and second stage development of the Bauxite Processing Plant at Weipa.